Monday, 15 February 2016

Holi Festival Of Colour

Holi Festival Of Colour

"On this day all people are equal"

While looking at my mood board of my word photo chemistry, the image of the photochemical smog over the city and then the bright colours from the chemical reaction reminded me of a famous event that goes on called Holi Festival. 
People from all over come together and take a step back from every day life and celebrate peace and harmony. They celebrate this day by throwing coloured powder paint everywhere, this then creates a colour exposition in the air which looks like the photochemical smog in my mood boards but just bright and colourful. 

I really love the idea of using this as an inspiration because I think it's an extremely beautiful event. 

"Unfortunately there is a huge level of inequality in the world and people deserve a celebration where the everyday life takes a step back and people come together in peace and harmony. A pleasant and cheerful festival, which leave a lasting impression on visitors and those who will read or hear about it. This Event has the power to directly promote and foster equality and tolerance and bring people together."


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